Data Structures: Sets

Python sets are:

  • Unordered, non indexable, distinct immutable (hashable) elements.

  • Come in two flavours set (mutable) & frozenset (immutable).

  • Sets cannot contain other sets as they are not hashable, they can contain frozenset instances.

  • Sets offer quick membership testing in and removing duplicates from other collections.

  • Sets support a whole host of mathematical operations (set theory) such as union & intersection etc.

Sets: Instantiation

Python sets can be created in a number of different ways:

# simple set() constructor:
empty_set = set()
# set from any iterable:
set_from_iter = set(range(1, 10))
# set using the braces syntax:
set_braces = {"one", "two", "three"}
# set using a set comprehension:
set_comp = {n for n in range(20) if n % 2 == 0}

Care is advised when using the curly braces, often when trying to create an empty set, subtle bugs can be introduced as python treats {} as a dict.

type({}) # dict

Sets themselves are not immutable and thus, not hashable so this means that sets cannot store sets within themselves, another build in data structure is the frozenset which can be used as elements inside sets themselves:

s = {{1,2}, {3,4}}
# TypeError: un-hashable type: `set`
frozen = frozenset({1,2})
>>> frozenset({1,2})

More can be found about frozenset later in the documentation.

We touched briefly on sets being unable to add non hashable elements, in python both list and dict are also mutable and thus, neither can be added to a normal set:

s = {[1,2,3]}
# TypeError: un-hashable type: `list`
s = {dict(a=1)}
# TypeError: un-hashable type: `dict`

However, because the set() class permits building a set from an iterable and both list and dictionary are iterable (dict over keys by default), then populating a set from both of the collections is possible:

s = set([1,2,3,4,5])
# {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
s = set(dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))
# {'a', 'b', 'c'}

Sets: Distinction

We mentioned previously that sets must contain hashable elements only, this is because similarly to dictionary keys, sets use the hash value of the object it is attempting to store internally. This is why in checks are extremely fast in sets, they are backed by a hash table. In order to be able to store your custom objects in a set (or alternatively use them for dictionary keys) you can implement two magic methods, __hash__ and __eq__ respectively.

By default, user defined objects have the following in python:

  • an implementation of __hash__.

  • an implementation of __eq__ which results in no two instances being equal.

class Example:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        self.x = x

e = Example(100)
e2 = Example(100)
hash(e)  # 108032011057
hash(e2)  # 108032014237 (different)
e == e2  # False
{e, e2}  # {<__main__.Example at 0x192735ab310>, <__main__.Example at 0x192735b79d0>}

By default this permits us to store instances of Example in a set by default as highlighted above. In order to use our own user defined objects in sets effectively, we should implement both the dunder __hash__ and __eq__ methods to consider two instances of Example equal.

from __future__ import annotations # __eq__ `other` type hint of the class itself

class ImprovedExample:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        self.x = x

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(self.x)

    def __eq__(self, other: ImprovedExample) -> bool:
        # note: returning `NotImplemented` here tells python to try the reflected operation on `other`.
        if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented
        return self.x == other.x

Now we are able to store instances of ImprovedExample in both sets and in dictionaries as keys:

one, two, three = ImprovedExample(100), ImprovedExample(200), ImprovedExample(100)
{one, two, three}  # one == three & hash(one) == hash(three) thus only 2 are stored (distinct)
{<__main__.ImprovedExample at 0x1927465c490>,
<__main__.ImprovedExample at 0x1927465c880>}

** If a class does not implement dunder __eq__, it should never implement dunder __hash__. **

Sets: Method resolution order

Pythons MRO is described below:

from import Set


Set inherits from `Collection`
`Collection` inherits from `Sized` which provides len(set).
`Collection` inherits from `Iterable` which allows sets to be iterated over.
`Collection inherits from `Container` which allows sets to perform `in` checks via `__contains__`.
and lastly, everything inherits from `object`.

`Set` inherits a lot of additional capabilities through its mixin methods:
    * __le__
    * __lt__
    * __eq__
    * __new__
    * __gt__
    * __ge__
    * __and__
    * __or__
    * __sub__
    * __xor__
    * isdisjoint()

A lot of these mixin methods will be discussed later in depth and how objects
can slot right into pythons data model and be considered pythonic.

Sets: Operations I - Basics

Many operations supported on other data structures do not make logical sense for sets, however sets themselves offer a very robust set of operations to align them nicely with sets in mathematics. Some functionality not supported by sets are (that of sequences) like slicing a set, or finding the index of a given element within the set.

s = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
# TypeError: set object is not subscriptable

s = {5,4,3,2,1}
# AttributeError: set object has no attribute: index

In order to fully understand the power of sets, we need to understand the distinct differences between three things:

  • object methods

  • object operations

  • augmented operations (we will touch on this later on).

Almost all the functionality of python sets can be performed in two main ways. Via set instance methods, for example:

s = {1,2,3}
s.union({3,4,5})  # Method invocation -> {1,2,3,4,5}

Alternatively, as we touched on earlier, through various mixin methods implemented on Set, the following is also supported:

one = {1,2,3}
two = {3,4,5}
one | two  # Operation invocation -> {1,2,3,4,5}

Notice how the duplicate 3 entry in both cases is deduped, a simple trait of sets (to remove duplicates). Both examples above result in (almost) the same thing happening, functionally it is the same, however operations tend to be slightly faster, this is outlined below:

import dis
one = {1,2,3}
two = {3,4,5}
1     0 LOAD_NAME                0 (one)
      2 LOAD_METHOD              1 (update)
      4 LOAD_NAME                2 (two)
      6 CALL_METHOD              1

dis.dis("one | two")
  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (one)
      2 LOAD_NAME                1 (two)
      4 BINARY_OR

In the above example we can see two additional bytecode instructions: LOAD_METHOD and CALL_METHOD. For a real world bench mark, lets perform the same task (getting the union of the above two sets) to see the difference (20 million times).

import timeit
timeit.timeit("one.union(two)", setup="one={1,2,3}; two={3,4,5}", number=20_000_000)
# 4.246593700000005 (4.2 seconds)
timeit.timeit("one | two", setup="one={1,2,3}; two={3,4,5}", number=20_000_000)
# 3.168324699999971 (3.1 seconds)

While negligible it is important to understand that operator approaches are often faster. There are however a few subtle differences / caveats to be aware of.

  • when using the method based approach, e.g union() any iterable can be provided and python will handle it

  • when using the operator based approach, e.g | all objects must be of type: set.

s = {1,2,3}
# {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8}
s | [2,4,6,8]
# unsupported operand type(s) for |: `set` and `list`.

By default, both the methods and basic operators return a new set instance. We briefly spoke about augmented operators, these can be used to modify set s in-place, more on that later.

Sets: Operations II - Intermediate

We touched briefly on the union() method of sets, now we will outline all the available functionality including appropriate venn diagrams for various operations.

methods = tuple(attr for attr in dir(set()) if "__" not in attr)
Method: add(elem):
  • Description: adds a single element (elem) into the set, if elem is already a member, this does nothing.

  • Operator equivalent: Not Applicable

s = set()
# {100}
Method: clear():
  • Description: Removes all elements from the set

  • Operator equivalent: Not Applicable

s = set(range(10))
# {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
# set()
Method: copy():
  • Description: Creates a shallow copy of the set

  • Operator equivalent: Not Applicable

s = {1,2,3}
s2 = s.copy()
s == s2  # True
s is s2  # False
# s {1,2,3,4}
# s2 {1,2,3}
Method: difference(*other_sets):
  • Description: Return a new set of the difference of this set and *other_sets.

  • Operator Equivalent: -

  • Notes: Difference is calculated left <- to right -> when multiple *other_sets are provided.

  • Notes: Difference is basically, items in x but not in y or z -> x.difference(y,z) : x | y | z

  • Notes: As always, operator invocations must be of type: Set, difference() will work with iterables.

x = {1,2,3}
y = {3,4,5}
# {1,2}

When we compute the difference between one or multiple sets, we are working from left to right and basically subtracting any elements from the next to be checked set from the set that we previously built, here is a documented example using 3 sets:

one = {1,2,3}
two = {3,4,5}
three = {2,3}

# Generate three sets, two contains 1 number also in one, three contains two numbers in one

# Check one against two using method and operator, both are equivalent except for speed.
# {1,2}
one - two
# {1,2}

# Why? because `3` is in one and two, so we discard it, left to right is important here:

# {4,5}
two - one
# {4,5}

# Now when we also check the difference when `three` gets involved:
one.difference(two, three)
# {1}
one - two - three
# {1}

Python implements this behaviour at the operator level by implementing __sub__:

def __sub__(self, other):
    if not isinstance(other, Set):
        if not isinstance(other, Iterable):
            return NotImplemented
        other = self._from_iterable(other)
    return self._from_iterable(value for value in self if value not in other)
# from_iterable is just a class method to build a set instance from any iterable.

As we touched on previously, remember when using operator syntax, sets must be passed:

s = {1,3,5}
s.difference([3], [5])
# {1}
s - [3] - [5]
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'set' and 'list'

Lastly, we can observe when multiple sets are compared for difference, python operates from left <- to right -> performing a BINARY_SUBTRACT bytecode instruction at each step:

import dis
x = {1,2,3}
y = {3,4}
z = {2}
dis.dis("x - y")
  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
      2 LOAD_NAME                1 (y)

dis.dis("x - y - z")
  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
      2 LOAD_NAME                1 (y)
      6 LOAD_NAME                2 (z)
Method: difference_update(*other_sets):
  • Description: Removes all elements from other_sets from this one

  • Operator Equivalent: -=

  • Notes: Is an augmented assignment, modifies the set in-place.

difference_update() is pretty much the same as difference with one core difference, this is an equlvalent augmented operator. Below is the bytecode instructions to demonstrate difference() vs difference_update:

import dis
x = {1,2,3}
y = {2}
  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
      2 LOAD_METHOD              1 (difference)
      4 LOAD_NAME                2 (y)
      6 CALL_METHOD              1

  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
      2 LOAD_METHOD              1 (difference_update)
      4 LOAD_NAME                2 (y)
      6 CALL_METHOD              1

As shown above, the subtle difference only outlines the difference_update LOAD_METHOD in the latter, however if we inspect the byte code when using the augmented operator:

import dis
x = {1,2,3}
y = {2}

dis.dis("x - y")
  1   0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
      2 LOAD_NAME                1 (y)

dis.dis("x -= y")
1 0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
  2 LOAD_NAME                1 (y)
  6 STORE_NAME               0 (x)
  8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)

We observe the INPLACE_SUBTRACT instruction. Similarly to difference() any number of iterables can be passed into the method as arguments, however when using the augmented operator equivalent, only types of set may be provided. Another very important limitation is that augmented operators can NOT be chained together like x - y - z can.

x = {1,2,3,4,5}
y = {4,5}
z = {3}

print(x)  # {1,2}

Because this is all in-place, here is roughly what happens:

x starts life as a new set of: {1,2,3,4,5}
x.difference_update(y) occurs, resulting in x modified in place to remove {4,5}
x.difference_update(z) occurs, resulting in x modified in place to remove {3}
x is now the same reference, with it's values modified: {1,2}

# Augmented operators are not allowed to be used on multiple targets
x -= y -= z
# SyntaxError: invalid syntax

# Augmented operators like normal operators, must be of type: Set
x = {1,2,3}
y = [3,4,5]
x -= y
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'set' and 'list'
Method: discard(elem):

Description: Attempt to remove elem from the set, if elem is not in the set, do nothing Operator Equivalent: Not Applicable Notes: Similar to remove() however does not raise a KeyError Notes: Returns None.

x = {1,2,3,4,5}
# `NoneType`
Method: intersection(*other_sets):

Description: Computes the items all sets have in common. Operator Equivalent: & Notes: Is not an augmented in place operation, creates a new set() of the results

Like all the other set methods and operations, intersection() has accept an assortment of iterables when using the method format and when using the & operator, types must be Set. Creating the intersection of multiple sets moves from left <- to right -> evaluating each one against the next and retaining elements which are common in both:

x = {1,2,3}
y = {4,5,6}
# x = {}
# There are no comment elements in X that also are in Y

# Let's find some common elements
x = {1,2,3}
y = {3,6,5}
z = {3,6,7}
# {3} - Why? x & y results in: {3}, y & z results in: {3}
# Notice how `6` is not considered common here, because `x & y` creates only {3} before & z is compared.

# The same example, using operators:
x = {1,2,3}
y = {3,6,5}
z = {3,6,7}
new = x & y & z
# {3}

# This is explained easily by inspecting the bytecode, you can see X & Y is compared, then the new set & z
import dis
dis.dis("x & y & z")
dis.dis("x & y & z")
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
              2 LOAD_NAME                1 (y)
              4 BINARY_AND
              6 LOAD_NAME                2 (z)
              8 BINARY_AND
             10 RETURN_VALUE

As we previously mentioned for difference(), when dealing with an operator approach, types of Set will be enforced by python, intersection(*others) can be any iterables.:

x = {1,2,3,4,5}
y = [3,4,5]
x & y # TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'set' and 'list'
x.intersection(y)  # {3,4,5}

Below is a simple venn diagram that demonstrates the intersection of the following python code:

x = {1,2,3,4}
y = {3,4,5,6}
# 2 items unique to x (1,2)
# 2 items common in x & y (3,4)
# 2 items unique to y (5,6)
Method: intersection_update(*other_sets):

Description: Computes the items all sets have in common and modifies x in-place. Operator Equivalent: &= Notes: x.intersection_update(y,z) updates ``x in-place, it does not create a set.

Another augmented operator equivalent method, that updates the set with items in the other iterables (or sets if using the augmented operator approach).

Updating x in place:

x = {1,2,3}
y = {2,3,4}
x &= y

Sets: Operations III - Advanced

Sets: Frozensets

Sets: Miscellaneous

Sets: Summary

  • frozenset is immutable, set is mutable.

  • set contain unordered, non indexable distinct hashable immutable elements.

  • Using empty set comprehension syntax will actually generate a dictionary.

  • create set using set(), {1,2,3} or {n for n in range(10) if n % 2 == 0}.

  • create frozenset using the frozenset() callable.

  • user defined objects can be stored in sets by default, but are never considered equal.

  • to add user defined objects to sets, implement __hash__ and __eq__.

  • Set inherits from which in turns inherits from Sized, Iterable, Container.

  • Set permits many of its functionality through both method calls and operators.

  • Set operator usage tends to be slightly faster due to not having to load & call a method.

  • Augmented operators cannot be chained like normal operators: x -= y -= z is not permitted like x - y - z.

  • x.difference(*other) removes elements in other, from x creating a new Set.

  • x.difference_update(*other) removes element in other, from x in-place.

  • x.discard(y) removes y from the set if it exists, if it does not it quietly does nothing.