Iterator Protocol

Python Iterator Protocol

Here we out cover the iterator protocol in depth, both the newer version via __iter__ and __next__ as well as the older protocol piggy backing off ``__getitem__` for sequence types.

In python if you have found yourself wondering, how does the for each loop work? This is where the iterator protocol comes into play and making your own iterable user defined types is surprisingly straight forward. Personally the terminology is more complex than the actual logic involved. Let’s try and break it down:

  • extends

  • All iterators are iterable

  • Not all iterables are iterators

Iterator Protocol: Iterable ABC is an abstract base class built into python that offers up the abstract __iter__ method that should be implemented. Rule of thumb is that anything that is iterable when asked for an iterator will return one.

def __iter__():
    while False:
        yield None

That’s it, iterables are really that simple, if something is iterable, it can return an iterator. It is an iterator` that python actually uses to perform iteration.  The built in ``iter() function calls an objects dunder __iter__.

Iterator Protocol: Iterator ABC

Once you have grasped that iterables are _responsible_ for returning iterators, things start to make a lot more sense. Next up is the abstract base class provided by python and there are three main core things of note

  • Iterator extends Iterable.

  • Iterator implements a simple __iter__ to make Iterable happy, that returns itself.

  • Iterator exposes a new __next__ abstract method.

As we can see from inspecting the mro of

from import Iterator

#,, object)

In order to satisfy the interface from, it implements a very basic __iter__, which returns self:

def __iter__():
    return self

However, iterators themselves offer up a little extra, the interface exposes a new abstract method, known as __next__ and it is this implementation that when iterated over (for loops, map, list comps etc) that is used to exhaust the iterator, one element at a time:

def __next__(self):
    raise StopIteration

Something of note here, is unlike other languages, occasionally python uses exceptions to handle code logic / flow, when an Iterator is exhausted it should raise a StopIteration Exception, this is how python knows internally that there are no more values.

Iterator Protocol: __getitem__

There is another caveat, an object does not have to define the modern iterable/iterator interfaces to qualify as being iterable, using dunder __getitem__ if an object can take an integer starting from 0, python will happily iterate over that object as well, this is known as the older iterator protocol, however due to the symantics, when iterating using this approach, an IndexError should be raised instead of the traditional StopIteration. Let’s demonstrated an example:

class ReversedEvenNumbers:
    def __init__(self, max):
        self.nums = [n for n in range(1, max+1)[::-1] if n % 2 == 0]

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.nums[index]

for n in ReversedEvenNumbers(15):
# 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

As you can see, we have created something we can iterate over, without actually implementing any of the iterator (modern) protocol. Accessing an index out of range by default raises an IndexError so python gracefully handles that in this scenario.

Iterator Protocol: Modern Example

We have learned a little bit about the older iterator protocol with an example, however let’s implement something a little more modern. Now we will use the abstract base classes and create our own custom iterator and explain some of the magic behind pythons virtual subclassing via abc.register and the __subclasshook__.

In this example, we will be creating a word iterator from a user provided sentence. Continue reading after this topic to understand why our Sentence class does not have to explicitly inherit from (a little sprinkle of python magic!):

# A typical first approach (albeit naive)
class Sentence:
    def __init__(self, sentence: str) -> None:
        self.word_list = sentence.split()
        self.index = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.index >= len(self.word_list):
            raise StopIteration
        value = self.word_list[self.index]
        self.index += 1
        return value

When starting out, you might think something like this is, pretty good. However there are a couple of caveats you should be aware of, each time iter(iterable) is called, it should return a fresh iterator. What happens in this scenario with the above implementation:

We need to create a fresh iterator, each time python calls __iter__ on our object. Let’s patch that up first:

Better! Each time we ask for an iterator from our custom RevisedSentence class, we can access all the values, but can it be improved any more? We’ll, python supports a ton of built iterators / iterables, we can much easier piggy back off those in this kind of scenario:

class SuperSentence:
    def __init__(self, sentence: str):
        self.word_list = sentence.split()

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.word_list)

Iterator Protocol: Virtual & Subclasshook