Descriptor Protocol

Descriptors: Intro

Python descriptors allow objects to customise:

  • Attribute lookup

  • Attribute storage

  • Attribute deletion

If you are new to descriptors, chances are you’ve already been using them as they are responsible for underpinning core python built in functionality. Some things which are powered by descriptors and we will discuss later are:

  • @property

  • @staticmethod

  • @classmethod

  • Creating bound methods from function types

  • Pythons super()

Descriptors: A Trivial Example

To get a feel for descriptors, we will create a rather trivial example, a descriptor that reverses a simple string value, which importantly is computed each time the value is accessed. The important thing to understand at this point are descriptors are their own class and they live as class attributes in other classes, let’s see it action:

class UpperAccess:
    This is a simple descriptor, at this point we are only
    dealing with non data descriptors, so we will only
    implement __get__.  More on this later, keep reading!
    but let's keep things simple for now.
    def __init__(self, word: str) -> None:
        self.word = word

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        return self.word.upper()

class UsingUpperAccess:
    This is a simple class that uses a ``MyDescriptor`` instance.
    Important note: The descriptor must live as a CLASS attribute
    in another class.
    word = UpperAccess("foo")

clazz = UsingUpperAccess()
print(clazz.word) # 'FOO'

The important thing to remember here is, descriptors live as class attributes in other classes, when accessing the clazz.word python first has a look in the clazz.__dict__ <instance dict> and then finds the descriptor in the type(clazz).__dict__ <class dict>. The uppercased value does NOT live in either the instance or class dict, it is computed on demand!

Descriptors: Compute on demand

To better explain the concept of value(s) being computed on demand, we will build a descriptor instance that based on a working directory, can list the contents. For the sake of this article, we will use a tree structure like so:

├── colors
│   ├── blue.txt
│   └── red.txt
└── numbers
    ├── one.txt
    └── two.txt

In a nutshell, we have two subdirectories, colors and numbers, let’s write a descriptor that can read the contents of those files, dynamically:

import os

class ContentsOf:
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        # it is the obj reference as a way back to the declaring class
        return os.listdir(obj.dirname)

class RootDirectory:
    files = ContentsOf()

    def __init__(self, dirname):
        self.dirname = "/tmp/example/" + dirname

colors = RootDirectory("colors")
numbers = RootDirectory("numbers")
colors.files # ["red.txt", "blue.txt"]
numbers.files  # ["one.txt", "two.txt"]

Now that we understand a little better, how descriptors compute value(s) on demand, this example also exposes us to a slightly deeper look into part of the ``descriptor protocol`.

Descriptors: __get__

Part of the descriptor protocol, dunder __get__ is responsible for handling the _lookup_ part of the descriptor outlined in our first paragraph. The secret to understanding how __get__ works is to understand this is class level access.

class Descriptor:
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        :param self:
            This instance of ``Descriptor``.

        :param obj:
            The instance of the class in which the descriptor was instantiated

        :param objtype:
            The (optional) own class `type` e.g `obj.__class__`

        __get__() should return the ``computed`` value, or raise an ``AttributeError``

By default pythons __get_attribute__ will provide both arguments to the __get__ call, here is an example of the types and value(s) accessible via __get__():

class D:

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None) -> value
        # should really return here :)

class Instance:
    d = D()

i = Instance()
# {'self': <__main__.D object at 0x7f489e6f8340>,
# 'obj': <__main__.Instance object at 0x7f489e8078b0>,
# 'objtype': <class '__main__.Instance'>}
# self -> the instance of `D`
# obj -> the instance of `Instance`
# objtype -> the class of instance `i.__class__`)`

Descriptors: Managed Attributes

As we touched on originally in the form of pythons built in @property, a great example use case for descriptors is managing access to instance data. The descriptor is assigned to a public attribute in the class dictionary (again not the actual value, it’s computed on demand) and the actual data is stored as a private attribute in the instance dictionary. descriptors __get__() and __set__() are called for public access. Up until now we have only covered the __get__() part of the protocol, let’s dive into what are known as Data Descriptors (those which do not only implement __get__(), the former are known as Non Data Descriptors. We will create a guarded variable that when accessed audits its access through python logging:

import logging
import random
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # Simple root logger to info

class LoggedAccess:
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        private = obj._secure"Accessed `secure`, resulted in: {private}")
        return private

    def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None:
        # This is new to us, more on that after!"Setting `secure` to: {value}")
        obj._secure = value

class Klazz:
    secure = LoggedAccess()  # Class dictionary, public attribute

    def __init__(self, secure): = secure

    def shuffle_secure(self):
        # shuffles the letters in our secure word!
        # Importantly, calls both __get__ & __set__ of our descriptor.
        new = list(
        random.shuffle(new) = "".join(new)

k = Klazz("nice")
# INFO:root:Setting `secure` to: nice
# INFO:root:Accessed `secure`, resulted in: nice
# INFO:root:Setting `secure` to: inec

Looking closer at our example, we have derive a few things:

  • All access to the managed access secure is logged

  • k instance dictionary only holds the _secure attribute: vars(k) -> {‘_secure’: ‘inec’}

  • Klazz class dictionary holds a instance of LoggedAccess: vars(Klazz) -> `…, ‘secure’, …

One glaring problem with this is that our _secure attribute is hardwired and tightly coupled into the LoggedAccess descriptor, this creates a bottleneck where each instance can only have a single logged / managed attribute and the name is completely unchangable. We will discuss a solution to that later but for now, let’s understand the second piece of the descriptor procotol, __set__.

Descriptors: __set__

Part of the descriptor protocol, dunder __set__ is responsible for handling the storage. Descriptors implementing __set__() are automatically considered Data Descriptors and that implicitly changes some of the attribute access flow, we will discuss that later. Even if a __set__ implementation has an exception raising place holder, it is enough to qualify as a Data Descriptor.

class Descriptor:
    def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None:
        Called to update an attribute on the instance of the owner class
        Note: Adding a __set__() to a descriptor transforms it into a data descriptor
        which has impacts in terms of the call flow, more on that later.

        In typical setter fashion, __set__ should return `None`.

Part of the descriptor protocol, dunder __get__ is responsible for handling the _lookup_ part of the descriptor outlined in our first paragraph. The secret to understanding how __get__ works is to understand this is class level access.

Descriptors: Customising names

When a class uses descriptors, it can inform the descriptor of which variable name was used, this can help us circumvent the issue we exposed during our managed attribute example. This is achieved through the dunder __set_name__ method, below is an example where multiple variables can become managed attributes without lots of coupling in the Descriptor implementation itself:

import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)  # root logger configured to info

class LoggedAttr:
    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
        # This is new! it holds the key to decoupling multiple managed attributes
        # Let's store a public/private names on the actual Descriptor instance"__set_name__ called!", locals())
        self.public = name
        self.private = "_" + name

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        private = getattr(obj, self.private)"Retrieving: {self.public} with value: {private}")
        return private

    def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None:"Updating: {self.public} to: {value}")
        setattr(obj, self.private, value)

class Car:
    wheels = LoggedAttr()
    color = LoggedAttr()

    def __init__(self, wheels, color):
        self.wheels = wheels
        self.color = color

    def remodel(self):
        self.wheels = 3
        self.color = "blue"

c = Car(4, "red")
# INFO:root:Updating: wheels to: 4
# INFO:root:Updating: color to: red
# INFO:root:Updating: wheels to: 3
# INFO:root:Updating: color to: blue

As you can see, the same LoggedAttr class is now capable of supporting multiple attributes, all handled by the magic of __set_name__ which aids in setting up attribute name specific values for public and private in the LoggedAttr instance namespace. The important thing to understand here is that LoggedAttr instances are invoked at the class level, during interpretation of the Car class, before a Car instance has been created in memory, the __set_name__ was already invoked, twice by python. Let’s now understand __set_name__ a little better.

Descriptors: __set_name__

Dunder __set_name__ is called when the descriptors owning class is created. Note: This is not to be confused with instantiating an instance of the owner class, remember classes themselves are objects in python.

A very important fact of the __set_name__ dunder is that it is only called as part of the type constructor. (to understand more about type, refer to my article on metaclassess` in python3).  This means that if a descriptor is dynamically bolted on after the fact, ``__set_name__ would need to be explicitly called. This is outlined below:

class Klazz:

descriptor = MyDescriptor()
Klazz.d = descriptor  # This is not sufficient.
descriptor.__set_name__(Klazz)  # Retrospectively, explicitly call __set_name__.

Descriptors: __delete__

The final piece of the descriptor protocol, __delete__() is called to delete an attribute on an instance of the owner class. Implementing a __delete__() is enough to qualify the descriptor as a Data Descriptor. This is outlined below:

class D:

    def __delete__(self, obj):
        # self -> the instance of D
        # obj -> the instance of the owner class (where D() was instantiated at the class level)
        print("deleting x")

class S:
    d = D()

s = S()
del s.d
# deleting x

Descriptors: Summary

  • A descriptor is any object that implements:
    • __get__, __set__, __delete__

  • Optionally, descriptors can have a __set_name__ if they need to know:
    • The class they where created.

    • The name of the variable they where assigned too.

  • __set_name__ is invoked even for classes which are not descriptors.

  • Descriptors get invoked by the dot operator, during attribute lookup.

  • Accessing a descriptor indirectly, the descriptor instance is not invoked but returned:
    • vars(Klazz)[‘descriptor’] # returns the descriptor instance, but does not invoke __get__() etc.

    • Klazz().__class__.x != Klazz().__class__.__dict__['x'].

  • Descriptors only work as class variables, stored in an instance has no effect.

  • The main motivation for descriptors is to allow class level attributes to have a hook into attribute access.

  • In a normal setup, the calling class controls what happens during lookup.

  • Descriptors invert the control and allow the data being accessed to have a say in the matter.

Descriptors: A Real use case

So far, we have developed relatively trivial uses for python descriptors. Now we will put together all we have learned to implement a real use case. In this example we will build a Field descriptor that can validate data inputs, we will create a BoundedInteger to validate integers in a reusable, strict manner:

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod

class Field:
    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
        self.private_name = "_" + name

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        return getattr(obj, self.private_name)

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        setattr(obj, self.private_name, value)  # noqa

    def validate(self, value):

class BoundedInteger(Field):

    def __init__(self, min: int = 0, max: int = 256):
        self.min = min
        self.max = max

    def validate(self, value):
        # For the sake of this demo, we want fine grained error messages!
        if not isinstance(value, int):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected {value!r} to be an integer")
        if not isinstance(self.min, int):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected {self.min} to be an integer")
        if not isinstance(self.max, int):
            raise TypeError(f"Expected {self.max} to be an integer")
        if not self.min <= value <= self.max:
            raise ValueError(f"{value} was not between: {self.min}, {self.max} [inclusive]")

class RequiresValidation:
    value = BoundedInteger(min=0, max=10)

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

# Let's try it out!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 47, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    self.value = value
  File "", line 13, in __set__
  File "", line 30, in validate
    raise TypeError(f"Expected {value!r} to be an integer")
TypeError: Expected 'foo' to be an integer

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 47, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    self.value = value
  File "", line 13, in __set__
  File "", line 30, in validate
    raise TypeError(f"Expected {value!r} to be an integer")
TypeError: Expected 7.5 to be an integer

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 47, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    self.value = value
  File "", line 13, in __set__
  File "", line 36, in validate
    raise ValueError(f"{value} was not between: {self.min}, {self.max} [inclusive]")
ValueError: -1 was not between: 0, 10 [inclusive]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 47, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    self.value = value
  File "", line 13, in __set__
  File "", line 36, in validate
    raise ValueError(f"{value} was not between: {self.min}, {self.max} [inclusive]")
ValueError: 11 was not between: 0, 10 [inclusive]

Descriptors: Advanced

Up until now we have skimmed the technical internals of descriptors. It is important to grasp the previous concepts well before looking any deeper into the attribute lookup call flow etc.

We briefly touched on data and non data descriptors and mentioned how depending on which one the descriptor implementation is ‘classified’ as, has impacts on the attribute lookup call flow. To recap:

  • Descriptor protocol consists of __get__, __set__ and __delete__.

  • Implementing any of the above qualifies.

  • If only __get__ is implemented, it is known as a Non Data descriptor

  • If __get__ + __set__ || __delete__ are implemented, it is known as a Data descriptor.

The default behaviour for attribute access is to get, set or delete an attribute from an object dictionary. for example:

  • Firstly object_instance.attribute firstly looks for attribute in object_instance.__dict__

  • Secondly, type(object_instance).__dict__

  • Thirdly, resolving the mro of type(object_instance).

  • If the looked up object is a descriptor, python may invoke the descriptor instead

  • note: Depending on which descriptor protocols are implemented, mileage varies.

Descriptors: The Protocol

class MyDescriptor:

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):

    def __set__(self, obj, value):

    def __delete__(self, obj):

    # optional
    def __set_name__(self, owner, name):

The above is really all there is too it. Data and Non Data descriptors vary slightly in how the overrides are calculated in an instance dictionary. For example if a an instance dictionary has an attribute with the same name as the descriptor the non data descriptor will take precedence, however if an instance dictionary has an attribute with the same name as a data descriptor, the dictionary attribute will take precedence. Let’s understand what this means with an example below:

class DataDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        print("Inside Data Descriptor Getter")

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        print("Inside Data Descriptor Setter")

class NonDataDescriptor:
    def __get__(self, obj, objtype = None):
        # Never called.
        print("Inside Non Data Descriptor Getter")

class DataDescriptorOwner:
    x = DataDescriptor()

    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

class NonDataDescriptorOwner:
    x = NonDataDescriptor()

    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

d = DataDescriptorOwner(100)
#  Inside Data Descriptor Setter
# Inside Data Descriptor Getter

# -----

n = NonDataDescriptorOwner(13)
# 13 <no __get__ or __set__ is called because a `non data` descriptor instance `x` takes priority.

In order to make a read-only descriptor, implement __set__ and raise an AttributeError. As we briefly touched on earlier, defining a __set__ with an exception raising placeholder is sufficient to have the descriptor instance be considered a data descriptor.

Descriptors: Invocation